JFK 101 Part 16

The Ochelli Effect 1-31-2019 Carmine Savastano and Larry Hancock

The JFK 101 series turned to future considerations. The evolution of the research community and evaluations of what has been accomplished were also covered. A section by section look at “The Chicago Plot” sorts some of the odd issues of conflict in that particular episode before Dallas.

What does a writer do when they learn some of their conclusions were based on misleading evidence? Is the official record confusing? Is deception the order of the day?

What can we expect in the future? Hopefully Chuck getting sick during the break didn’t damage the presentation.

JFK 101 Part 16

Carmine Notes:
“JFK 101 Part 16: The Present and Future of the JFK Case”. Here are tonight’s refs:
1: JFK 101 Series, The Ochelli Effect, Neapolis Media Group, youtube.com
2: C.A.A. Savastano, The CIA Man who considered using Oswald, Two Princes And A King Blog, tpaak.com
3: C.A.A. Savastano, The Power of the Press, TPAAK Blog, tpaak.com
4: C.A.A. Savastano, Note the Chain, TPAAK Blog, tpaak.com
5: JFK Myths Series, The Ochelli Effect, Neapolis Media Group, youtube.com
6: Lessons from Chicago, Larry Hancock, Someone Talked and I Wrote About It Blog, larryhancock.wordpress.com

Larry Notes:
Chuck, sure hope you are feeling better. Since we talked so much about documents I thought adding these two resources to the show might be valuable. Both have to do with crypts: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=204068&search=ft_sheridan#relPageId=1&tab=page and https://www.maryferrell.org/php/cryptdb.php

Extra Link:

Carmine Savastano

Larry Hancock

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JFK 101 Part 16 – The Ochelli Effect 1-31-2019 Carmine Savastano and Larry Hancock