
Ochelli Effect 2-22-2014 Guest Richard Gage AIA

The Founder & President of AE911Truth is the second guest to appear on the LIVE incarnation of The Ochelli Effect.

Ochelli Effect 3-1-2014 Christine LaBlanc of ReThink 9-11 Canada

The Ochelli Effect 9-11-2014 13 years later

Chuck is joined by Richard Gage for a few minutes and mostly has callers share their thoughts about the terrorist event of September 11 2001. Callers include Vince Easily , Jim Funke , Daniel Louis Crumpton & more.

Rebekah Roth – Methodical Illusion 3-21-2015

The first time the author is interviewed by Chuck about her Novel which is written from a unique perspective as Mrs. Roth is a retired airline attendant and reveals how her work of fiction is based in much more reality than the official story.

Ochelli Effect – Barbara Honegger 7 2 2015

Former DoD analyst Barbara Honegger provides her insights into the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon , The NYC 9/11 walking tour , and much more.

Ochelli-Effect 8-1-2015 Dean Hartwell – Was 9/11 a Movie?