4 05, 2019

Kennedy Execution Baker Demolition Part One

By |2019-05-04T15:40:33-04:00May 4th, 2019|American History, books, Conspiracy, JFK, JFK Assassination, Podcasts, Walt Brown|5 Comments

Kennedy Execution Baker Demolition Part OneThe Ochelli Effect 5-3-2019 Walt Brown When Mike Swanson told me he thought Walt Brown's book "The Kennedy Execution" was at the top of his personal list for suggesting reading material for the JFK Assassination curious reader, I was skeptical. Walt Brown had already published the most lengthy and informed [...]

23 06, 2016

06/22/2016 Wednesday – Burn Pits? Joseph Hickman & Frank Gregory Ford

By |2016-06-23T04:16:25-04:00June 23rd, 2016|Podcasts|0 Comments

06/22/2016    Wednesday - Burn Pits? What are they and what is being done for your soldiers? Author Joseph Hickman and Frank Gregory Ford explain the subject and much more about what is done in the alleged war on terror in the name of You The American citizen. http://m.burnpits360.org is the website for the organization that Mr. [...]

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