New Deal Free Speech Suppression

The Ochelli Effect 1-31-2020 Professor David Beito

New Deal Free Speech Suppression

 Author and Educator David Beito from the history department of The University of Alabama joined Chuck on Friday to discuss FDR and the use of evolving media to political advantage. How do you wire-tap telegrams?

The idea of Fake News and the POTUS being at odds with print media is not even remotely new. Chuck and Professor Dave talked a bit about the role of the FCC in the control and censorship of American media. Was FDR a champion of progress when it came to civil liberty or just another politician in search of leverage?

What was the “Black Inquisition”? Was the “New Deal” a good deal or just another gambit from a political machine in search of a legacy? Beito is nearly finished with a book that may provide an entirely new realistic view of the New Deal Democrats. Why do historians and liberal-leaning observers of history celebrate FDR and ignore the treatment of Japanese Americans during World War Two?

The politics of the United States may appear quite different in history books covering the time between the two world wars of the twentieth century with objective analysis. By the way, how common was it for Democrats to have been directly linked to the Klu Klux Klan during this period?

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New Deal Free Speech Suppression

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New Deal Free Speech Suppression – The Ochelli Effect 1-31-2020 Professor David Beito