Celerino Castillo Drug War 2022
The Ochelli Effect 3-8-2022 Cele Castillo
Celerino Castillo Drug War 2022
Chuck is glad and proud to have another discussion with a man who is a hero for the cause of Truth about the sham known as The American War on Drugs.
(The Following text is mostly lifted from Cele’s old website which no longer exists)
Celerino “Cele” Castillo III. Cele Castillo served for 12 years in the Drug Enforcement Administration where he built cases against organized drug rings in Manhattan, raided jungle cocaine labs in the Amazon, conducted aerial eradication operations in Guatemala, and assembled and trained anti-narcotics units in several countries.
The eerie climax of agent Castillo’s career with the DEA took place in El Salvador. One day, he received a cable from a fellow agent. He was told to investigate possible drug smuggling by Nicaraguan Contras operating from the Ilopango Air Force Base.
Castillo quickly discovered that the Contra pilots were, indeed, smuggling narcotics back into the United States – using the same pilots, planes, and hangers that the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Council, under the direction of Lt. Col. Oliver North, used to maintain their covert supply operation to the Contras.
(End of lifted paraphrased text)
There is much more to the story. When a man who believes in his country and seeks to serve it is betrayed by the very agency he is allegedly working for, conclusions by all who examine the reality should be that there is a fraudulent narrative regarding the real enemy. Sadly the casualties of war go far beyond the soldiers on either side.
The podcast covers Mr. Castillo’s history and his educated view on the multiple fronts that remain wide open in The American War of Drugs waged on People.
References Featuring and Related to The “Drug War” & Mr. Castillo:
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Celerino Castillo Drug War 2022
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