Robert Rosen Nowhere Man
Robert Rosen Nowhere [...]
Robert Rosen Nowhere [...]
Richest Survive Wealth Disparity The Ochelli Effect 8-10-2018 Donald Jeffries On a Friday we have a third discussion with author Donald Jeffries. A bog thanks to Meria Heller for suggesting Donald Jeffries and his book. Do you believe that wealthy people are more worthy than those who are not? Have they actually hired half [...]
Greatest Conspiracy Ever Sold The Ochelli Effect 8-1-2018 Donald Jeffries Donald Jeffries Joins Chuck to discuss his book, Survival of The Richest. Many areas of discussion snap to the paradigm of economic inequality in America into stark focus. Survival Of The Richest Part 2 - From the Amazon book description - "... A fresh [...]
06/22/2016 Wednesday - Burn Pits? What are they and what is being done for your soldiers? Author Joseph Hickman and Frank Gregory Ford explain the subject and much more about what is done in the alleged war on terror in the name of You The American citizen. is the website for the organization that Mr. [...]