Quantum Tech Drop Glasses
The Age of Transitions & Uncle The Broadcast as Proudly Presented by OCHELLI.COM
The Age of Transitions and Uncle LIVE 8-19-2022 Open Lines
Quantum Tech Drop Glasses
AOT #361
Quantum computing may offer a way to power emerging tech such as Ai or AGI.
Topics include: live streams, quantum computing, quantum theory, physics, entanglement, mysticism, Ai, qubits, time and space, Robin, Fibonacci laser, Golden Ratio, Ai generated artwork, text prompt to image, NFT market, Beeple, Jimmy James, metaverse, Paris Hilton, digital immortality, Ozzy Osbourne, The Congress movie, Robin Wright, Carrie Fischer deep fake in the movie, Star Wars, Turing test
UTP #271
Uncle returns to the show after his trip to Nashville where he bought a new drop glass.
Topics include: Jimmy James’s new car, PT Cruiser, Uncle’s Instagram, Nashville TN trip, drop glasses, YouTubers, subscribe button, Titans, preseason football, Landers, Trump power to declassify documents, government talk, van problems, lower jaw health, Olmeca Altos tequila, microphone stand hit, custom beer cans, Alien Expressions, Street Cream
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Quantum Tech Drop Glasses
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Aaron’s Main Hub http://theageoftransitions.com/ indeed a different kind of show and we hope it continues to break its mold.
Though Chuck Ochelli is the behind-the-scenes producer, Aaron Franz is the creator of this content.
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