Rocky Belzer Two Bucks
The Age of Transitions & Uncle The Broadcast as Proudly Presented by OCHELLI.COM
The Age of Transitions and Uncle 2-19-2023 Post Bowl
Rocky Belzer Two Bucks
AOT #377
Good for nothing but predicting an all-too-predictable future.
Topics include: letting people down, staying offline, Eric Schmidt, DOD, technology, motorcycles playing loud music, Rocky movies, Survivor, JFK assassination, Richard Belzer, crime and traumatic TV series, Infowars Junior, establishment MIC moves slow, future cyber terror event, digitized economy, propaganda, China will be blamed, legislation to speed up military spending in Silicon Valley, cyber security
UTP #288
Uncle pays his debt in two dollar bills.
Topics include: Super Bowl results, two dollar bill, mail, 49ers, USFL, New Jersey Generals, Trump, many McMahons, Sergeant Slaughter, Publisher’s Clearinghouse, fantasy football, Mandala Effect, finding podcast guests, Richard Belzer, Jerry Lawler, Ric Flair, street cream, sanitation workers’ holidays, podcasting listeners
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Rocky Belzer Two Bucks
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Aaron’s Main Hub is indeed a different kind of show and we hope it continues to break its mold.
Though Chuck Ochelli is the behind-the-scenes producer, Aaron Franz is the creator of this content.
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