Halfway To Hell : Audiobook : Forward

The Free Issue from our New Audiobook offerings

Halfway To Hell : Audiobook : Forward

The Forward is Free – The rest will be for subscribers only

This is unlike other podcasts I have released in the past

Halfway To Hell: Everything Breaks, is the working title for my first effort to assemble a book-length narrative. It is my life story.

I have been asked over the years about writing a JFK Assassination book, and I am working on that. However, I have discovered I am not much of a standard writer.

Experimenting with a process to see if I can find a way to create books related to a handful of subjects to which I feel I can contribute something very different, The JFK Assassination, The Drug War, The Prison and Prism of PTSD, and America Invisible, are all subjects I think I have book-length and atypical volumes of information that could be informative and unique if I can solve the riddle of taking what’s in my mind and translating that into book form.

So I am starting with the one subject I need no footnotes and piles of references for, My overall tale of 50 years on planet earth.

At least twice each month that remains in 2022 I will release rough versions of audiobooks that will represent my complete memoir.

With the help of Bob Wilson and Chris Graves participating as the LIVE audience and immediate feedback voices, I hope this will be a unique sonic creation that explains personal characteristics and fills in many anecdotes an attentive listener may be familiar with but I also believe there may be instructional lessons that could have positive effects on listeners who may have or are currently struggling in their own lives.

Listeners who sign up for the audio will be the only ones getting the mp3s delivered to them via e-mail or in a special section of the website.

Monthly subscribers via Patreon or membership on Ochelli.com will pay $10 USD per month or a one-time payment of $50 USD

If you are not a monthly subscriber the cost will be $15 USD per month or a one-time fee of $63 USD

This covers a minimum of 12 audio book-style presentations and assures the subscriber the complete original story of Halfway To Hell, but could include bonus Audio. This presentation will be released from July 2022 – December 2022 and may include the beginning of another planned audiobook.

The sign-up and PayPal e-mail for this is blindjfkresearcher@gmail.com and arrangements can be made for offline payments at the same address.

Support payments for the month of June will also be counted as subscribers If they paid at least $50 outside of regular subscriptions before June 30, 2022. I have hopes that this may be refined and repackaged as other media in the future, but this version will stand alone I am sure.

This will be educational and entertaining to anyone who chooses to listen.

Other accommodations can be reached if you are interested in receiving these audiobooks also.

You may already feel you are owed this book and I encourage you to let me know that so I can add you to the mailing list or set up free access on Ochelli.com

Please E-mail blindjfkresearcher@gmail.com and put the word Audiobook in the subject line.

Thank You,

Chuck Ochelli

June 2022

PayPal & Contact for special arrangements:


Ochelli Effect Patreon


Sign-up on Ochelli.com


Halfway To Hell : Audiobook : Forward

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Thanks to all our listeners and contributors for your support, The Ochelli Effect would not be here without you!

If you have any questions for Chuck, or about our shows, please contact us here at The Ochelli Effect or if you want to contribute in some way, please do the same.

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