Dick Russell Wesley Frazier
Dick Russell Wesley [...]
Dick Russell Wesley [...]
Buell Wesley Frazier Riding The Donald [...]
OSS Wild Bill Donovan The Ochelli Effect 8-1-2019 Carmine Savastano Carmine returned after a break for personal reasons with a solid Sinister History Episode that does not focus on criminal activity. Instead, we looked at one of the many short-lived but well-known arms of the intelligence agencies, The OSS. Many will state that the [...]
TRM Howard Deserves More The Ochelli Effect 7-29-2019 David Beito PhD This show may not be Headline News but it relates to still unfinished work in the search for equality and the horrific murder of Emmett Till which sadly was in the news again recently. If all that could be written about T.R.M. Howard [...]
40 Years After Jonestown The Ochelli Effect 12-5-2018 Laura Johnston-Kohl Laura Johnston-Kohl survived the events of November 11, 1978, in Jonestown and is the author of Jonestown Survivor: An Insiders Look. A NOTE FROM CHUCK: When I was six years old the tragic events in Jonestown occurred. I grew up believing that a "Mass-suicide" [...]
JFK Lancer Conference 2017 Details JFK Lancer Conference 2017 Details The Ochelli Effect 8-24-2017 Larry Hancock + Carmine Savastano : JFK Lancer Conference 2017 Details From The Lancer Website : http://jfklancer.com/Dallas2017/2017welcome.html#speakers "DISCONNECTION" // Why This Conference is so Unique The perennial question of JFK research is, "When will they release the rest of the [...]
The Evolution will NOT be televised Larry Pinkney The Ochelli Effect-2017-07-28 with Larry Pinkney The Evolution will NOT be televised When some of us hear or read the Gil Scott-Heron Lyrics "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised" READ HERE : http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/gilscottheron/therevolutionwillnotbetelevised.html Many images and emotions are evoked. When Larry Pinkney graces the Ochelli Effect [...]