07/21/2016 Thursday – JFK Assassination Myths Episode 9: Chuck is joined by author Carmine Savastano, photographic analyst Zachary Jendro, and researcher Trish Fleming to discuss and dissect myths in the JFK case. Carmine Savastano’s book “Two Princes and A King” http://tpaak.com/, Neapolis Media Group http://neamg.com/, Zachary and Trish’e work can be found at Debunked Blog https://debunked.wordpress.com/
DOCUMENTATION / LINKS provided by Savastano , Jendro,Fleming
the Warren Commission in 1964.
Dr Vincent P. Guinn, head of the activation analysis program of the General Atomic division of Genreal Dynamics Corporation, has been working on the problem with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. “In the case of murder or any crime involving a gun,” Dr Guinn said, “there is a paraffin test where a wax impression is taken of the hand and cheeks. There is a need for a better procedure and about three years ago we began working on activation analysis. We bought a similar rifle from the same shop as Oswald and conducted two parallel tests.”(New York Times, 28 August 1964, p.32)
Zachary Jendro & Trish Flemming
President’s Commission Document 87, Secret Service Report of 08 Jan 1964 re: Oswald, Investigation of Steven Cisario, pp. 1-2 http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10490#relPageId=358&tab=page
Central Intelligence Agency, Russ Holmes Work file, Dispatch-GPFLOOR Investigation of Reference A Leads, June 30, 1964
CIA file, Miscellaneous CIA Series, Breckenridge Files, (n.d.)
Assassination Records Review Board Public Hearing, Dallas, November 18, 1994, p. 28
FBI, House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA), Subject file, M-N, Joseph Raymond Merola, No Title, August 2, 1959
FBI, HSCA Subject file, William Robert Plumlee, IS-Cuba; Neutrality Matters, May 6, 1959
FBI, HSCA Subject file, M-N, Joseph Raymond Merola, July 21, 1959, p. 23
HSCA Segregated CIA file, Memorandum on intensive search of files for House Select Committee on, HSCA Request, Box 8, February 10, 1978
HSCA Seg. CIA file, Memo on House Select Committee on Assassinations request, February 24, 1978
A memo from the CIA Office of Security reaffirms possessing no files regarding Plumlee as of 1977.
HSCA Seg. CIA file, HSCA Request dated 27-28; OLC 78-0070/23, multiple documents, February 21, 1978
FBI, HSCA Subject files, M-N, John Martino, No Title, pp. 3-8, 10, 11, 13
FBI, HSCA Subject files, Q-R, John Roselli, FBI Statement of William Robert Plumlee, August 31, 1976, pp. 1-4
Carnine Savastano
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