5 02, 2020

Americana Tesla Trends Hustlers Baal

By |2020-02-05T16:30:06-05:00February 5th, 2020|American History, Follow The Money, jouranlism, JP Sottile, media analysis, Mike Swanson, news, Newsvandal, Podcasts, Politics, true crime, trump, Trump Scandal, U.S. Congress, Wall Street|2 Comments

Americana [...]

5 06, 2019

Corporate Miasma Economic Killdozer

By |2019-06-05T22:59:25-04:00June 5th, 2019|JP Sottile, media analysis, money, news, Newsvandal, Podcasts, Politics, trump|0 Comments

Corporate Miasma Economic Killdozer The Ochelli Effect 6-4-2019 JP Sottile Before JP Sottile joined the conversation in the second hour, Chuck vented about the system that continues to fail. He also provided listeners with a June 4 historical rundown. Has the miasma of the Trump era claimed every brain cell yet? Stay tuned. Jp [...]

23 05, 2019

Newsvandal Trumping Fatigue G Willikers

By |2019-05-23T11:15:19-04:00May 23rd, 2019|books, entertainment, JP Sottile, media analysis, Music, news, Newsvandal, Podcasts, Politics, radio|0 Comments

Newsvandal Trumping Fatigue G Willikers The Ochelli Effect 5-22-2019 JP Sottile and G Willikers The Newsvandal came on the show for a special W Odin's Day Discussion. Chuck and JP covered the Cyrus The Virus coin, The Cookie man, and other illustrations of what's wrong with America in the Reality show of 2019 Washington [...]

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