Vlad Mental Wrestling Hour
The Age of Transitions & Uncle The Broadcast as Proudly Presented by OCHELLI.COM The Age of Transitions and Uncle LIVE 2-25-2022
Vlad Mental Wrestling Hour
AOT #346
The Russian invasion of Ukraine is discussed here. Moving forward, who in America will continue supporting Putin and how will they pull it off?
Topics include: Russian invasion of Ukraine, Nordstream 2, Germany, China, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, NATO, Trump, MAGA support of Putin, sanctions, tariffs, propaganda, psychology, strength, authoritarianism, fascism, Joe Biden, Steven Wright, Sean Penn, Anonymous hackers, Catch Me If You Can, cyber warfare, weapons industry booming
UTP #256
Ochelli dot com is down, but Uncle is still rolling with his live broadcast. It was great to see so much action in the Livestream video chat rooms.
Topics include: Ochelli website down, chat rooms, Vintage Gaming With Uncle, NES, Super Mario Bros, Livestream video channels, wrestlers, jobbers, Mike Tyson, bard, local news
Ochelli Effect – Uncle – Age of Transitions – T-shirts and MORE:
Vlad Mental Wrestling Hour
Tune In to the 24/7 Stream from Ochelli.com to hear Replays Special Shows, Selected Music, and The Evolving Vanguard of New Shows @ http://tun.in/sfxkx with the TuneIn App.
Aaron’s Main Hub http://theageoftransitions.com/ indeed a different kind of show and we hope it continues to break its mold.
Though Chuck Ochelli is the behind-the-scenes producer, Aaron Franz is the creator of this content.
Thanks to all our listeners and contributors for your excellent support, Ochelli.com would not be here without you!
If you have any questions about our shows, please contact us here at Ochelli.com, or if you want to contribute in some way, please do the same.
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