Banks Plus Walker Shooting Revisited
Banks [...]
Putin Game Target Ukraine The Ochelli [...]
Hancock Collection Tipping Point The Ochelli [...]
Hancock Collection Incomplete Justice The Ochelli [...]
Hancock Collection Unidentified The Ochelli Effect 3-4-2021 Larry [...]
Hancock Collection In Denial The Ochelli [...]
JFK 101 ARRB PART ONE The Ochelli Effect 8-23-2018 Carmine Savastano and Larry Hancock The JFK 101 series continues. A public outcry that resulted in more information releases. How a Theatrical work of blended fact and fiction in 1991 ended up inspiring real-life releases of documentation related to a dark day in November 1963. [...]
JFK Assassination 101 Pike Committee The Ochelli Effect 1-11-2018 Carmine Savastano and Larry Hancock (From Chaired by Democratic Representative Otis G. Pike of New York. The Select Committee had originally been established in February 1975 under the chairmanship of Congressman Lucien Nedzi of Michigan. Following Nedzi's resignation in June, the committee was reconstituted [...]
JFK Assassination 101 WC Files The Ochelli Effect-2017-07-27 with Carmine Savastano and Larry Hancock. JFK Assassination 101 WC Files JFK 101 Series - JFK Assassination 101 WC Files Before we get to The JFK Assassination WC Files. Your hosts kick off with The gift that is going to keep on giving until some sanity [...]
Thursday - 6/22/17 - "JFK 101 Part 4" with Larry Hancock and Carmine Savastano - authors Larry Hancock and Carmine Savastano join Chuck Ochelli to discuss the first major official investigation of the JFK case in this first of two episodes inspecting the President's (Warren) Commission. #JFK #Evidence @OchelliEffect @NeapolisMG,, References: Reference [...]