6 09, 2018

JFK Autopsy Author

By |2018-09-06T08:49:31-04:00September 6th, 2018|books, Conspiracy, JFK, JFK Assassination, Podcasts, William Matson Law|1 Comment

JFK Autopsy Author The Ochelli Effect 9-5-2018 William Matson Law William Matson Law is the Author of, In the Eye of History; Disclosures in the JFK Assassination Medical Evidence. This Book is essential to any reader seeking to gain insight into the events surrounding the handling of the slain Presidents body on and after [...]

30 12, 2017

Alan Dale Beyond JFK Conversations

By |2017-12-30T16:08:13-05:00December 30th, 2017|alan Dale, JFK Assassination, JFK Lancer, Podcasts, Politics|0 Comments

Alan Dale Beyond JFK Conversations The Ochelli Effect 12-29-2017 Alan Dale Out of the ordinary is one way to describe this Fridays Ochelli Effect with Alan Dale. We reserve the JFK assassination topic for Thursdays generally , but this week a special discussion with Alan Dale was in order. We begin with a reversal [...]

3 11, 2017

JFK Assassination Myths 12 Staring Judy Baker

By |2017-11-03T01:38:33-04:00November 3rd, 2017|American History, books, Carmine Savastano, Conspiracy, JFK Assassination, Podcasts, thors|0 Comments

JFK Assassination Myths 12 Staring Judy Baker The Ochelli Effect 11-2-2017 Carmine Savastano and Chuck Ochelli Chuck and Carmine continue the JFK Assassination myths series with episode 12 and a return to the queen of JFK conspiracy BS, Judy Baker.  Before the focus turns to the pathological  progressive evolving fraudulent fiction of the woman [...]

23 06, 2017

Thursday – 6/22/17 – “JFK 101 Part 4” with Larry Hancock and Carmine Savastano

By |2017-06-23T00:58:49-04:00June 23rd, 2017|books, Carmine Savastano, JFK Assassination, Podcasts|0 Comments

Thursday - 6/22/17 - "JFK 101 Part 4" with Larry Hancock and Carmine Savastano - authors Larry Hancock and Carmine Savastano join Chuck Ochelli to discuss the first major official investigation of the JFK case in this first of two episodes inspecting the President's (Warren) Commission. #JFK #Evidence @OchelliEffect @NeapolisMG ochelli.com, tpaak.com, larry-hancock.com References: Reference [...]

16 06, 2017

Thursday – 6/15/17 – Carmine Savastano- “The Roselli Stone”

By |2017-06-16T07:20:59-04:00June 16th, 2017|books, Carmine Savastano, Conspiracy, Podcasts|1 Comment

Thursday - 6/15/17 - Carmine Savastano- "The Roselli Stone" The Ochelli Effect presents a new episode of Sinister History! Tonight author and researcher Carmine Savastano joins Chuck to review a notable American gangster tied to official political assassination plots, myths, and verifiable evidence. #JFK #Evidence @OchelliEffect @NeapolisMG     References: Reference 1: House Select Committee [...]

5 05, 2017

05/04/2017 Thursday -JFK Myths 11 with Carmine Savastano & Charles Cliff (Plus a brief tribute to The Late Sherry Fiester)

By |2017-05-05T16:51:32-04:00May 5th, 2017|Podcasts|0 Comments

05/04/2017 Thursday - "JFK Myths Episode 11" is tonight on the Ochelli Effect, researcher Charles Cliff and author Carmine Savastano return to join Chuck in comparing feasible myths with evidence. PLUS a few words about the late Sherry Fiester and her work against the medical mythology in The JFK assassination research community. References: Claims of [...]

16 12, 2016

12/15/2016 Thursday – JFK Myths 10 Larry Hancock , Alan Dale , Rob Clark, & Carmine Savastano.

By |2016-12-20T03:08:48-05:00December 16th, 2016|Podcasts|0 Comments

12/15/2016 Thursday - JFK Myths 10 Larry Hancock , Alan Dale , Rob Clark, & Carmine Savastano. The continuing series about the Mythology generated about the assassination of John F. Kennedy. This time we cover the intent of myths , The Agencies , Files, LBJ, Castro Plots , and L.Ron Hubbard (which may actually top [...]

18 11, 2016

11/17/2016 Thursday – John Barbour, Randy Benson and JP Sottile JFK Assassination SPECIAL

By |2016-11-18T14:15:53-05:00November 18th, 2016|Podcasts|0 Comments

11/17/2016    Thursday - John Barbour, Randy Benson and JP Sottile JFK Assassination SPECIAL. John Barbour Goes on a rant about his new film : The American Media The Second Assassination of John F. Kennedy The Garrison Tapes Part 2", and gives his rather intense views of many things, JP Sottile and Chuck pretty much stay silent [...]

24 09, 2016

09/23/2016 Friday – Prof. Joan Mellen – Faustian Bargains

By |2016-09-24T04:40:29-04:00September 24th, 2016|Podcasts|0 Comments

09/23/2016    Friday - Prof. Joan Mellen - Faustian Bargains Mac Wallace LBJ, and the alleged Texas Connection in the hit on JFK. A must listen for anyone interested in any of the above mentioned subjects.  

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