Special Dogmatic Theology Part Fifteen.

The Ochelli Effect 11-26-2018 Jordan Maxwell

Jordan Maxwell and Chuck continue the series of discussions on religion. A mild delay in the begging of the show is cured with a few extra minutes of discussion and a shorter break.

Please send in questions for our next discussion in The Chat, On Twitter, Through Skype, or via e-mail. Your feedback and participation can make this series continue to be unique.

Jordan first told us why he prefers radio and e-mail to travel for presentations. During the early unscheduled break, Chuck played a song by Cirrus Minor. Do we know where “The Great Flood” took place? Jordan has seen more of the world than most people.

Jordan and Chuck answered the saved questions from previous shows and live listeners. Do different muses inspire different art? Propaganda is a powerful drug. Was there a political purpose for the creation of Christianity?

Who is The Lord of the Rings? What is a divine inspiration? Is religion just another product among many to be marketed?

The origin story of man is not always what it seems. The Sun and the “Lazy O” are not a video game. How many experiments in breeding happened before mankind arrived?

Is Satan just an ugly portrait of Apollo? This series will continue until Jordan thinks it is complete.

Special Dogmatic Theology Part Fifteen

We strongly suggest that you visit and explore Jordan’s work online.

(Join The Research Society or make a donation)

Mr. Maxwell told us that this author is one he highly recommends.

Books by Charles Fort Free LINKS:

This book was referenced during the conversation.

Four Arguments for Eliminating Television
By Jerry Mander – Former Advertising Executive
(Does anyone else see the humor in the author’s name?)

This is a website for a late author and friend of Jordan’s/

The Official Web Site of Zecharia Sitchin

This is one of many points discussed during the section on language.

The Lazy O?

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If you have any questions for Chuck, or about our shows, please contact us here at The Ochelli Effect or if you want to contribute in some way, please do the same.

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Special Dogmatic Theology Part Fifteen – The Ochelli Effect 11-26-2018 Jordan Maxwell