Major General Edward Lansdale

The Ochelli Effect 5-22-2018 Mike Swanson and Pearse Redmond

Mike Swanson Author of The War State joins us to revisit Vietnam and examine a recent book by Author Max Boot. Many fallacies about the Vietnam conflict are confronted in the opening discussion. However, the primary focus of the conversation is Ed Landsdale. Major General Edward Lansdale was with the O.S.S., The U.S. Air Force, and the C.I.A. The reality of his career and his legend have both evolved over many decades. Due in part to his alleged involvement in The Assassination of JFK, but also his provable operational work in The Philippians, Operation Mongoose, and the early stages of the Vietnam conflict. He rose to the rank of Major General and was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal in 1963. His death in 1987 did not cause his legend to fade. Max Boot released a book this year which Mike Swanson explains quite a bit about in hour 1. Pearse Redmond continues with the topic of Landsdale in hour 2 relating to his foray into Hollywood films. The Quiet American is a twice made movie that seems to have been influenced and exploited by Landsdale and the C.I.A. Plus we discuss the latest Trumpet madness.

Major General Edward Lansdale REFERENCES:

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A big thank you to Mike Swanson and Pearse Redmond for appearing on The Ochelli Effect.

Major General Edward Lansdale