JFK Assassination Myths 12 Staring Judy Baker
The Ochelli Effect 11-2-2017 Carmine Savastano and Chuck Ochelli
Chuck and Carmine continue the JFK Assassination myths series with episode 12 and a return to the queen of JFK conspiracy BS, Judy Baker. Before the focus turns to the pathological progressive evolving fraudulent fiction of the woman who keeps throwing birthday parties with her supporters for the alleged and unlikely assassin of JFK complete with cake and sing-a-longs , Chuck explains why he thinks it is important to limit the influence of non-sense in general related to JFK conspiracy ideas. Chuck reads his notes taken while viewing a youtube Video called The Top 10 Craziest JFK Assassination Conspiracy Theories — -https://youtu.be/z8qVtGLHZdA – Chuck reads the top 10 trying to keep Carmine and himself from editorializing and explains that though JVB is not mentioned this is how the less than fringe elements of the population view many of us that advocate for a conspiracy related final solution to the November 22 1963 murder of our thirty-fifth President. Her medical fabrications , alleged attempts on her life , silly behavior , unrealistic descriptions , and many other easily dismissed fiction in the ever-evolving Me, Lee and everybody else JVB can think of to include , universe of simply misleading disinformation that is Judy Baker. Hard to believe she had anything to do with the C.I.A. in 1963 but if the agency wanted to create a Disinformation agent from scratch , their best efforts might not come close to the skill set Judy has. Food For Thought.
Carmine and Chuck Will be at JFK LANCER November 17-19
Carmine’s Website
JFK Assassination Myths 12 Staring Judy Baker
Reference 1: The National Institute of Health Almanac, Important Events in NCI History, The National Cancer Institute, US Department of Health and Human Services, nih.gov
Reference 2: Milestones in Cancer Research and Discovery, The National Cancer Institute, US Department of Health and Human Services, cancer.gov
Reference 3: Michael J. Thun, When the truth is unwelcome: the first reports on smoking and lung cancer, Public Health Classics, Princeton University, princeton.edu
Research Article 1: The Oswald Timeline Myth
Reference 4: Central Intelligence Agency, Oswald 201 file, Volume 3, Folder 9B, part 1, Statement of
Ruth Paine, p. 7
Reference 5: Federal Bureau of Investigation, Oswald Headquarters File 105-82555, Section 23, Statement of Earlene Roberts, p. 1
Reference 6: Assassination Records Review Board Hearings, Dallas, Statement of Bob Vernon regarding Tosh Plumlee, November 18, 1994, p. 28
Reference 7: House Select Committee on Assassination, FBI Subject Files, Q-R, John Roselli, August 31, 1976, p. 4
Reference 8: HSCA, FBI Subject Files, Q-R, John Roselli, November 23, 1963, p. 2
Research Podcast 1: The Roselli Stone
Research Article 2: Are Many Suspicious deaths supported by Evidence?
JFK Assassination Myths 12 Staring Judy Baker
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JFK Assassination Myths 12 Staring Judy Baker
The Ochelli Effect 11-2-2017 JFK MYTHS 12 Carmine Savastano and Chuck Ochelli
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